Satisfactory Progress Appeal

Next Steps and Instructions
You were suspended – what is the next step?

Students who fail to meet Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) standards for grade point average (GPA) and/or credit completion will be suspended.  Riverland students are required to maintain a minimum cumulative 2.0 GPA and complete 67% of the credits they are enrolled in at Riverland.

Do you plan to use financial aid?

While you can sit out for a year and be academically qualified to return to Riverland, students who are suspended from financial aid must successfully appeal before they are eligible to receive further financial aid.

Have you been suspended before?

Appeals for a second suspension are more difficult. Make sure that you are clear about the extenuating circumstances that caused you not to make progress while on probation. You should provide all documentation necessary when you submit your appeal. Make sure that you address your academic plan for success should the appeal be approved, and address anything you committed to completing in your previous appeal. A copy of your previous appeal letter can be requested from the Records or Financial Aid Office.

Where can I find the appeal form?

There is a new online SAP Appeal form! Click the link below to access the appeal form.    

Appeal Form

Do you have questions about why you were suspended?

If you do not understand your suspension, we encourage you to contact your Academic Advisor for further information.

What happens if I am allowed to return?

If your suspension is appealed successfully, you will be placed on probation and may continue to take courses and possibly receive financial aid. In order to remain on probation and not be re-suspended, for each term you attend you must earn a minimum GPA of 2.1 or higher until you bring your cumulative GPA to 2.0, and complete 75% of your classes until you bring your cumulative completion rate to 67%. You can’t withdraw from classes or get a majority of Cs during probation. If you have questions, talk to an academic advisor or the Director of Advocacy Services.

How to write your suspension appeal?

Before you begin, brainstorm the following and use it as a framework for writing your appeal. You should be thoughtful and complete in your responses, so that the appeal committee fully understands your situation. The appeal is found online on the Registration and Financial Aid webpages. This worksheet walks you through the questions you’ll need to address.

What were your extenuating circumstances? What didn’t go well, and why didn’t it go well?

Address all unsuccessful terms.  (Section III: Appeal Information – Question #1)

What is my plan to be successful?

Think of steps, be specific and thoughtful. (Section III: Appeal Information – Question #3)

Supplemental Documentation

Please be prepared when you submit your appeal to add any appropriate supplemental documentation such as:

  • an obituary, doctor or therapist note, medical documentation, work schedule, etc

If you don’t have an electronic version, take a picture of your document with your phone and attach an image.