Global Studies


Riverland Community College’s global studies certificate introduces students to the interdisciplinary study of globalization. Students will investigate individual and group differences and apply cross-cultural social, economic, and/or political perspectives in the study of globalization. The certificate will provide an overview of historical and theoretical approaches that have created a global society.

Location: Austin, Face-to-face where some online courses may be available or required.
Program Starts: Fall
Course Plan: 1 Semester
Faculty: Holly Loberg, Laurel Panser

For in-depth information including outcomes, program fees, course descriptions, and more please visit the Global Studies program page at

Required Core Courses (16 credits)

GLST1500 Introduction to Global Studies (Goal 5 & 8) 3 CR
FREN or SPAN (World Language) 4 CR
Any 9 additional credits from the following courses from a minimum of two departments:
ANTH2240 Cultural Anthropology (Goal 5 & 8) 3 CR
ENGL1132 Ethnic Literature (Goal 6 & 7) 3 CR
GEOG1200 Human Geography (Goal 5 & 10) 3 CR
HIST1030 Modern World History (Goal 5 & 8) 3 CR
HUMA1105 Native American Studies (Goal 6 & 10) 3 CR
HUMA2263 Religions of the World (Goal 6 & 8) 3 CR
HUMA2265 Honors Religions of the World (Goal 6 & 8) 3 CR
MUSC1112 Music in Society: Hymns to Hip-Hop 3 CR
PSCI1030 International Relations (Goal 5 & 8) 3 CR
SOCI2125 Cultural Diversity (Goal 5 & 7) 3 CR
SPCH1310 Communication in a Diverse World (Goal 1 & 7) 3 CR